If you have a compressed javascript code, you can use this website to decompose it.

The address of the "Online Javascript Decompressor" website is " http://www.generateit.net/javascript-decompressor/ "


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If you feel tried to includes all *.js files when writing javascript codes, you can use JSCompress to compress all *.js files into one js file.

After including this one compressed js file, you can use any function you wrote in *.js files before.

JSCompress website is " https://jscompress.com/ ".


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1. check server.xml

2. Find the region of <Host> </Host>

3. Insert one line in between <HOST> such as

<Context path="" docBase="/home/ytl/ROOT" debug="0" reloadable="false" />

4. restart the tomcat7:

For example:

root@ytl:/home/ytl/ROOT# /etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop
[ ok ] Stopping tomcat7 (via systemctl): tomcat7.service.
root@ytl:/home/ytl/ROOT# /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start
[ ok ] Starting tomcat7 (via systemctl): tomcat7.service.

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第四象限 = fourth quardrant

英文符號X上面有 ^ = X hat

英文符號X上面有 - = X bar

英文符號X上面有 ~ = X tilde

英文符號X右上面有 一把劍的符號 ( † ) = X dagger

Γ / γ --> Gamma

Ζ / ζ --> Zeta

Λ / λ --> Lambda

Ξ / ξ --> Xi (kuci ?)

Ψ / ψ --> Psi

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(1) 最近發現「國立公共資訊圖書館」的「 電子書服務平台」( http://ebook.nlpi.edu.tw/ )可以網路借書。


(2) 可以透過「網路辦證」的方法,申請帳號。有帳號之後,就可以線上申請借書囉。


(3) iphone / ipad 可以下載「iLib Reader」的app來線上閱讀。電腦也可以閱讀。



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