目前分類:Download / Install (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Step1: 使用以下指令

sudo apt-get install texlive-science



Step 2: 找其他相關套件下載。

(1) sudo apt-cache search caption | grep tex

(2) sudo apt-get -y install *

* : texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-pictures, texlive-latex-extra, and so on.

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Online LaTeX websites:
[1] Overleaf : https://www.overleaf.com/

[2] Share LaTeX : https://www.sharelatex.com/

Math Symbols:

[1] LaTeX Math Symbols : http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html


[1] Online LaTeX Equation : https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php


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For reading pdf documents / papers, I sometimes require to annotate or write notes on pdf files. Foxit PDF Reader is a good sofeware to do it.


1. Foxit PDF Reader : https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/


2. Click "Free Foxit Reader Download".


3. Click "Download".

4. After downloading the gzip file, one can follow the commands as below to complete the installation.

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1. First example: " x.tex "




This is my \emph{first} document prepared  in \LaTeX




2. open termial and type "latex x.tex" in MacOS terminal.

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The LATEX Project website : https://www.latex-project.org/get/

Figure 1

(1) For Mac : http://www.tug.org/mactex/downloading.html


Download this file : MacTeX.pkg [ approximately 3.0G - 24 May 2017 ]

(2) For Linux : http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html

Download this file : install-tl-unx.tar.gz (4mb) 

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